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The mic-drop moment occurred when Jane finally snapped at me, “You’re being an asshole. I don’t know why this makes you so stressed. Everything is fine here. If we have trouble, we will find someone to help us. Nothing bad is going to happen. This doesn’t stress me out. If this stresses you out, then sit back and let me handle things.”   

Like most people, I normally don’t react well to being put in my place. However, what she said struck a chord. It hurt my ego, of course. I immediately wanted to shout back that I wasn’t stressed. But I was stressed. I hadn’t fully realized it. And it was true; I was being an asshole. Instead of snapping back in defense, I muttered off into quiet contemplation.  

We were on a two-day bus trip from Managua, Nicaragua to Guatemala City, Guatemala. We had just finished crossing the border between Nicaragua and Honduras. The process was a bit confusing, and I found myself barking orders at Jane several times along the way. Now back on the bus, I sat like a sad puppy licking my wounds, thinking the situation through. Border crossings tend to stress me out, though I hadn’t thought much about it before. I hadn’t fully realized how tense I got at times. Why did I get like this? Perhaps it’s the overall authoritarian, no-nonsense feel to these places. Perhaps it’s that the people behind the counters don’t have quite the same incentive to be nice to you as say, a waiter. Or perhaps it’s the simple fact that there are often dudes with machine guns standing around.  

Z-Jay Test

This is the heading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. This is when we

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